Re: [Evolution] Palm Tungsten T - Sync

On Tue, 2003-04-15 at 07:45, Frederic Crozat wrote:
Le mar 15/04/2003 à 13:41, tom tk uni-linz ac at a écrit :

I  am using Mandrake 9.1/Evolution 1.2.4/Gnome and I try to get the sync with my new Tungsten T 
Palm/PalmOS 5.0 running.

It works with the kpilot and jpilot sync (so I think pilot-link should work). But the gpilotd doesn't 
seem to colloborate with my Palm.

Has anyone experienced the same? Any help would be welcome :-)

Grab packages at they
should work with Tungsten T (official update is scheduled really soon..)

Can you send me the patch for this?

JP Rosevear <jpr ximian com>
Ximian, Inc.

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