Re: [Evolution] Opening Attachments

It's a SUSE issue.  I experienced the exact same behavior in 8.1.  Ended up
loading SUSE 8.0 on another computer, setting up an account for myself and
then copying the .gnome directory from my account over to my 8.1 computer.
I can now launch attachments.

Prior to doing the above, you might try running gnomecc from the command
line and see if you can configure "File Types and Programs".  Mine came
up empty until I copied in the 8.0 .gnome tree...

I saw no acknowledgement of this on Suse's web site.


On Wed, 2003-04-09 at 09:40, Jean Neron wrote:
I think I've had this problem since I switched to SuSE 8.1. The problem is that evolution doesn't seem to know anything about file associations. No matter what the attachment is, evo only gives me the choice to save it. Previously I used to have choices to open with various programs, depending on the file type. I know this is maintained in Gnome somewhere, but I believe it is set up correctly, because when I run Nautilus, it knows what programs are used for which files It's only evo that doesn't seem to know.

Where does it look for this information? I'm running under KDE.



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