[Evolution] Deleting evolution's configuration files

So, I've just done a clean install of RH9. Two problems I was previously
having with evolution on Mandrake 8.2 still persist on RH9, and given
that no one else seems to have these problems I can only assume that my
config files are fscked. What I'd like to do is shut down evolution,
killev, and then delete the configuration files (although obviously not
the data) and see if my problems go away (the problems are, BTW, no
sound notification for new mail, and the toolbar in the main window
stuck in an ugly text and icons mode).

So, my question is: what are the config files that need to be removed?
Is it just ~/evolution/config.xmldb, or do I need to remove more than
that? Does evo store config information outside of ~/evolution - for
instance in gconf or in ~/.gnome?

Secondly, is there any particular danger to doing this? My information
for my mail accounts is as simple as can be so it won't be hard work
re-entering that information.

TIA, Darren

D. D. Brierton            darren dzr-web com           www.dzr-web.com
       Trying is the first step towards failure (Homer Simpson)

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