[Evolution] Evolution 1.2.1 IMAP testing, bugs 33668 & 33309

Hi Everyone,

We know people have been having some specific problems with 1.2, bugs
such as 33668, and 33309, and have put a patch in which should address
them.  I think its related to a namespace of "".

We'd like people who have been having such problems to give the current
snapshots (or CVS) a go, so we can make sure they are addressed for the
1.2.1 release.  The problem manifests itself in several ways, from not
being able to select folders, to not being able to create them, or just
spurious "BAD" error messages during startup.

The snapshots should also address the "INBOX not being subscribed"
problem in a more transparent way, feedback on whether that is fixed or
not would also be useful.

Currently snapshots are only available for Solaris, RH7.2, and by
tommorow, RH7.3.  This will hopefully include enough people to verify if
the problems are fixed.


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