Re: [Evolution] Japanese doesn't display in Evo 1.2

On 火, 2002-11-19 at 19:26, Not Zed wrote:
you might need to check your gtkhtml font settings.  they are set in the
control centre.

That doesn't seem to be the problem. On my machine at work, where I have
1.0.8 running, the font is:
and Japanese displays fine.
I tried setting the font on my system at home, which has 1.2, to the
same lucida font, and all I get is little boxes. Shall I file a bug
report on this?

On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 05:50, Stuart Luppescu wrote:
I used to have no trouble displaying Japanese email in Evolution 1.0.8,
but now it doesn't show up at all. All I see is underlines. I'm able to
send mail in Japanese (for example, これは日本語); it just doesn't display.
I've set the encoding to ISO-2022-JP, and Japanese displays correctly in
other applications, but not in Evolution. What do I have to do to get it
to display properly?

Stuart Luppescu       -=- s-luppescu uchicago edu
University of Chicago -=- CCSR 
才文と智奈美の父    -=- Kernel 2.4.19-pre10-xf              
For a man to truly understand rejection, he must first be
 ignored by a cat. 

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