Re: [Evolution] Evo 1.2 & LDAP with MS Exchange Server -- Sorted


I don't know what kind of server, except that it is not Exchange (the
server is unix-based).  Here is the .xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <name>Lincoln Directory</name>

wombat results:

[dick raroth downloads]$ wombat
wombat-Message: Starting wombat
Wombat up and running
wombat-pas-Message: libldap vendor/version: OpenLDAP  2.00.11
wombat-pas-Message: extensions present:
wombat-pas-Message: X_OPENLDAP
wombat-pas-Message: X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS
wombat-pas-Message: TLS not available (ldap_error 0x5c)

wombat-pas-WARNING **: could not perform query on Root DSE

wombat-pas-WARNING **: pas_backend_ldap_connect failed for

wombat-pas-Message: TLS not available (ldap_error 0x5c)

wombat-pas-WARNING **: could not perform query on Root DSE

wombat-pas-WARNING **: pas_backend_ldap_connect failed for

I tried changing the scope to "base", "sub" and "one", without
productive result.  The wombat exchange above is reflective of trying
the search twice, once "sub" and once "one" as offered in the Settings

Chris, I feel compelled to say that I don't use Evo because it bears a
resemblance to Outlook.  I have never seen Outlook (nor do I care to). 
I use it because it has been a great tool in doing business day to day. 
Given this and my hope that the Linux desktop can become a true
competitor in the marketplace, I hope that future releases of Evo and
other great Gnome (Ximian and otherwise) tools will become defect-free
enough to win some decisions to move from the MS paradigm to Open

Here's looking at you...


On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 19:13, Chris Toshok wrote: 
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 15:33, Dick Roth wrote:
Hi All--

With hope in my heart, I tried this edit to the .xml file but with no
joy.  What to do!!  I use LDAP lookups often during the day and now have
to use gq to look up addresses and type them into my outgoing message.

This function worked perfectly in 1.0.8.  But now, frustration.

what server are you using?  what's the <contactserver> block look like? 
what is the output of wombat when you run queries (or autocomplete) -
run killev then start wombat in a seperate terminal, then restart

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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