Re: [Evolution] Contacts gone? fixed.


Well, I recovered everything except my contacts. I simply removed the
.ibex files for my Inbox, and restarted evo. All of my folders came

My contact list appears to be GONE though >:(

Well, it's back.

This was the same issue indicated in the Knowledge Base about contacts
disappearing after upgrading from 1.0.8 to 1.2.

It's odd though. I've been running 1.2 since it came out, had done a
killev before upgrading and a killev after running 1.2 for the first
time. Only tonight (after temporarily moving my evolution directory) did
it indicate that it was upgrading config files from 1.0.8 -> 1.2, and I
had to killev AGAIN and restart to get the contacts back. Wierd.

But I'm a happy camper again.



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