[Evolution] Serious issue with gnome pilot latest release (evo 1.2)


I just upgraded from evo1.0.8 to evo 1.2 with red-carpet and I have
issues with my Palm pilot under MDK 8.2

1) I had to install gnome-pilot-aplet because it was not in the upgrade.

2) upon synch-ing, the adress book conduit works well but the calendar
does not. It hangs my CPU in 100% and never ends. Using 'top' on a shell
I see wombat eating most of my cpu cycles.

3) I had to kill the syncing and the I lost all past events in calendar,
and all future events gets duplicated, triplicated, and

4) synch-ing does not go beyong calendar (calendar synch never ends)

5) all conduits were set to synch with private records, one-time set to

Any help is welcome

Olivier Hallot
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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