Re: [Evolution] Copy from mail message

man, 2002-11-04 kl. 18:23 skrev David Sterratt:

I don't seem to be able to copy text from mail messages in evolution
1.0.8 (as packaged by redhat in their RH 8.0 distribution).  This is
true if the mail message is either in the main evolution window under
the list of messages, or in its own window, after having double clicked
on the subject.  There is no "Copy" item in the edit menu.  

All of the above definitely does not apply to *my* RH 7.2++++, Gnome 1.4
and Evo 1.0.8-99 desktop.

The only things in which CTRL-C, CTRL-X and CTRL-V won't work for me,
are Xterm and 1.0 - then "middle mouse" works fine.




Booting up Linux out of MS-DOS 5.0 definitely helps.

e-post:         tonni billy demon nl

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