Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.2 beta (1.1.90) problem with gnupg 1.0.7

On Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 10:01:23AM -0600, Benjamin Johnson wrote:
Evolution 1.2 beta (1.1.90) problem with gnupg 1.0.7

When I receive messages, I have no way of decrypting them.  In fact,
there doesn't seem to be a decrypt button or selection in any menu, and
I cannot find anywhere where it asks for the location of gpg.

I removed the config to specify the gpg path because we don't need it,
we can just use execvp and the shell will use the appropriate gpg

as far as no decrypt button, well - there isn't one of course :-)

Evolution will prompt you for a passphrase if it finds a PGP/MIME
encrypted message and decrypt it for you. No need to press a button.

I suspect that the reason evolution isn't decrypting the message for you
is because it is improperly formatted or something. Or it's inline-pgp
which we do not support.


Any help / ideas / thoughts on this issue?



Benjamin Johnson <bsjohnso midway uchicago edu>

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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