[Evolution] RE: [Users] Ximian Connector

I have quite the same setup as you and it works for me...
But I have quite the same problem as you with ximian support: no answer
to my problems.... BAD!

You can try 2 things:
- See OWA logs on the IIS server.
- Sniff the network. Since OWA needs SSL, you can create a tunnel (with
stunnel) and sniff then with ethereal.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Chris Dodd
Sent:   Thu 5/23/2002 4:42 PM
To:     users ximian com
Subject:        [Users] Ximian Connector
Hello all.

I purchased the connector more than 30 days ago, but my problems were
resolved via the online system, and now since it has been more than 30
it wont even let me log in to the support section. :(

Basically, the connector doesn't work for me.  Its an Exchange 2000
with OWA installed and it has the standard directory format.  Username
mailbox name are different, but I have them in correctly.  I've tried
secure and plaintext passwords and also SSL.

All I get is that it tries to connect to the Exchange server and keeps
asking me for my password over and over, with this little caption in the
password window, "Could not authenticate to server (Password incorrect?)

Running the latest Evolution and connectors via RedCarpet (no beta

Anyone have any ideas?


Users maillist  -  Users ximian com

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