Re: [Evolution] total backup?

        Sounds like a bad loss.  You should be able to get Red Carpet working
again if you remove your /var/cache/redcarpet directory.

        Backing up your ~/evolution directory will back up most of your
configuration settings (except for any IMAP subscriptions) and also your
mail. (unless you use IMAP in which case your mail is probably still on
your server)

On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 04:55, Danny Wilson wrote:
A few days ago, I booted up my laptop and seemed to have lost quite a
few settings, the desktop image, menus, icons, evolution to name some.
(the only thing I noticed was the HD going overtime before I shut it
down the night before)

Evolution started as if I hadn't used it before, I entered mail account
info, it found my mail again, but lost the mail accounts I had and the
settings for the summary page.
I not sure what files got lost/damaged, but should copying the
/evolution folder also back up the other settings as well as the mail?
If not is there a way to back up the mail settings?

I've since been having trouble with Red Carpet, it just hangs
downloading channel data (Ximian GNOME Desktop). Can I reset it or
something to get it going again?

any advice appreciated


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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