[Evolution] problem with opening URLs in Evolution e-mail

Actually there is a more generic version of Jennifer's last question
that has been bothering me as well.

How do you do the equivalent of IE's "Send link" and "Send page"
mail options?  Is the mail out option completely missing from
mozilla and galeon?

By the way, J, my setting for 'default', which works, is

gnome-moz-remote --newwin "%s"

But I also have 

http -> galeon "%s"
https -> galeon "%s"

You might also want to try ' galeon --new-tab "%s" '
which reduces the number of windows ;-)


From: Jennifer Pinkham <jennifer unrulygrrl org>
Date: 28 Feb 2002 15:49:35 -0500

I just wanted to make sure that I am setting up my
default web browser (that Evolution calls when you
click on a URL within an e-mail message) in the 
correct place:
Gnome Control Center --> Document Handlers --> URL Handlers
--> Default

I have tried several variations:
opera "%s"
mozilla "%s"
mozilla -remote "%s"

but none are working.   When I click on a URL in an
email, I see my CPU utilization go to 100% for about
3 seconds, but a browser window never opens, and
(when using the mozilla -remote) my currently-opened
Mozilla did not go to the clicked URL.

I guess this is a Gnome thing and not an Evolution
thing, but I just wanted to make sure.

One more thing....a little off-topic, but does anyone
know how (if its even possible) to tell Mozilla to
use Evolution for e-mail when I click on a 
"mailto:"; URL instead of the Mozilla mail program?


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