Re: [Evolution] Sorely disenchanted with Evolution (looong)

As a fellow Slacker I can help you out here:

sOn Thu, 2002-06-27 at 02:20, Frank Gore wrote:

You must have `xml-i18n-toolize' installed to compile evolution.

And no matter how often or where I try to install it, I continue to get
that error. I can't find any Slackware package for that library, even in
the latest release of the distribution. I've installed it from source
countless times, but it still doesn't get recognized.

Indeed, Slackware does not include this. Grab source from

To get Evo 1.1 CVS on Slackware all I need to do is build soup, gal,
gnome-spell (tag evolution-1-1), gtkhtml, and evolution from gnome cvs,
in that order. You may have to monkey around with auto* versions, but
that's it.

BAM - "It's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one."
     -- Phil White

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