Re: [Evolution] New List Member, Many Questions

On Tue, 2002-06-04 at 23:54, Frank Gore wrote:
I've been looking everywhere for help on setting up Evolution to help m
do my job, but without any success so far. Hopefully the people on this
list can finally help me figure things out.

Part of my job involves answering hundreds of emails everyday from
countless customers. All my emails need to be carefully sorted as they
come in so that I can keep track of everything that's happening. On
average, I receive about 600 emails a day. So obviously I need a lot of
filters. And that's where one of my problems comes up:

1. Is there any way to setup filters that sort according to JUST the
"to:" field OR the "cc:" field? In the filter menus, there's only a
general "Recipients" field, and no way to determine the specific field I
need. I noticed that the filter file is written in basic XML, so would
there be a way to write more specific filters by hand?

You can filter on Specifc Header and set it to "To" or "Cc" (yes, omit
the ':' char)

2. When I hit "reply" to answer an email, the wrong "from" account is
often set by default. For example, most of the emails I receive are
actually redirects from a bunch of different aliases. Since my actual
email address does not appear in the "to:" or "cc:" fields (the email
alias address does), Evolution wrongly sets the "from" account to
whatever is the system default. Is there any way to make Evolution
automatically set the "from" account based on which account the email
I'm replying to came from? Does Evolution even keep track of source
accounts when it stores emails?

The development version is better about this by trying to keep track of
which account it was downloaded from, but you can never expect it to be
perfect especially if you download mail for several accounts via a
single pop account or whatever.

3. I'd like to be able to automatically set the "reply-to:" and "cc:"
(or "bcc:") to a default whenever an email is sent from a specific
account. I want these fields automatically filled in when I send email
from the gps account, but not from any other account. I was hoping there
was an outgoing filter that could do that, but I haven't found one. When
I respond to a customer, I need other people in my company to see my
response (hence the need for a "cc:" or "bcc:" on every email), and I
want the customer to reply to a generic alias address so that everyone
in the company will see the customer's reply as well (hence the

The development versions support setting a Reply-To in the account
editor so that you don't have to keep typing it in the composer

It alo supports setting auto-cc and auto-bcc recipients in the account

4. Is there any way to make Evolution always launch with the Summary
page displayed? The way it is now, it always launches with the last item
I was looking at. This may seem trivial, but I'm a scatterbrain and I
always seem to forget to look at the Summary page for my pending tasks.
If it could be displayed by default everytime I launch Evolution, that
would help a lot.

In the development version I think there is way to do this?


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