Re: [Evolution] db3

At least try it before you go bitching that it won't work.
Sorry. No bitching at all. Just saying there was no way for me to find
this file in 7.2-related directories:)  
Wow.  That was hard, huh?
:))) A lot of stuff. Even in russian (claiming that 3.1.17-requirement
is caused by big disorder in Ximian:)))

Build it in a tmp dir, point in there during compilation of Evolution,
then delete when you're done.  It's taken you more time to complain
about it than it would've taken you to do it :)
OK. The whole idea of static build is a bit suspicious to me (since good
old days of StarOffice 5.2)

Or hack evolution's configure script to not give a damn about the
version of db3 you have.  Of course, if this ever breaks on you then
you'd know who to blame ;-)
That's what I did with 1.0. But with 1.0.1 the result is worse - it does
not want to read the DB:(



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