Re: [Evolution] Sending Majordomo files - Evolution & Word Wrap (I need a work around)

Hi Iaian,

Thanks a lot, this lead me to the right place for sure!

However since I've got it right here, on my version I found it under:

Format -> Heading & then click on Preformat..

On Fri, 2002-01-11 at 16:06, iain wrote:

Back in Netscape/Mozilla it was possible to set the number of columns
that an email message would wrap on so that you could avoid having to
either heavily modify the config file (or send a busted config file).. 
How (or when) is this possible with Evolution?

In the bar above the editor change the option menu that says Normal to
Preformat. Then the message will only wrap at newlines.

but tv says "surface irony" is funny...don't you watch saturday night
live, man?
Mike Gifford, OpenConcept Consulting,
Supporting progressive organizations in online campaigns and tools.
Feature: Women's Learning Partnership
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