Re: [Evolution] cannot update calendar entries: "Could not update object" message

On Mon, 2002-01-07 at 10:52, Gil Hauer wrote:

I've upgraded to Evo 1.0 on Redhat 7.2 and when I try to update a
calendar entry (e.g., to make it recurring) I get the captioned message.

I've updated Bug # 15918 but I'd like to know if anyone else has had
this problem and, if so, how you got around it.

Could you get a stack trace from your core file?
e.g. run 'gdb wombat core' then type 'bt'.

I've had a similar report about problems with recurring events, which
seems to be a memory corruption problem (crashing in a free() call). It
would be useful to see if your problem is the same thing.


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