[Evolution] Re: [Galeon-user] Regular total lockups with 1.0.1

Revisiting the Red Hat 7.2 lockups:

At this point I (being no one special in particular) am quite certain
that this is somehow network related.

Why?  I submit the following:

1)  I originally thought it was Galeon because it always seem to happen
while browsing - and I mean DURING page downloads.

2)  Then it happened while Galeon was not up - but Evolution was.  So
Galeon was ruled out.

3)  New suspect - Evolution:  I eventually (after more than a few
lockups) figured out that the lockup occurs PRECISELY at the moment that
Evo starts to fetch the mail; another network operation.  This is true
whether Evo is forced to fetch by me or it is on auto download.

4)  So, I would have thought maybe Evolution and Galeon had something in
common here and were the source of my pain.  BUT, someone on this list
said they had gotten a lockup while at the console without X running.

If that guy is reading this - were you doing anything network related
from the console?  Like lynx, mail, pine, etc.?

Lastly, we all seem to have SoundBlaster Live! cards.  Is that
absolutely correct?  For some reason, I think I remember something about
the SoundBlaster card having some networking capability for gaming or
something?  I may be way off on that - or was it another card.


I'm goin' nuts here!

Many Cheers,


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