Re: [Evolution] Two questions

On Sun, 2002-12-22 at 13:57, Werner Sharp wrote:
shown.  Any chance there's a preference to automatically jump to the
first unread mail message?  With the current setup, I need to scroll

Try the ']' and '[' keys, Read Next Unread and Previous Unread

Thanks, I'm aware of those keys.  Coming from Outlook Express, Evolution
just takes some getting used to.  In OE, when you click on a folder, it
immediately jumps to the end of the folder's messages.  Then you can usually
click immediately on a new message you want to read.  In Evolution, I need
to first click in the message pane to highlight a message then hit ']' or
use the scrollbars to scroll down to the first new message.  Either
technique seems slower to me then OE.  IMHO, having either program
automatically scroll to the first new message would be really cool.

Werner Sharp
werner sharp-software com

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