Re: [Evolution] POP3 spamkiller

The only problem with this, as stated in a previous mail, is that it has
to download the complete message all the time anyway.

It really needs to be done at the server, if you pay for bandwidth

On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 08:00, HvR wrote:
you can do the same thing with filters: just filter the email tru your
spam detecting program and have it return exit 1 for spam 0 for not spam
then for the action just move email to spam folder or delete if exit
code was 1

On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 13:03, ahimsa wrote:
This may have already been dealt with, and if so I apologise for
repetition ...
I am wanting to use a spam-filter for my POP3 dial-up account, where
Evolution 1.2.0 is my email client. Thus far, I have set some rules up
for sender/subject, but this is still reactive and I'd prefer to do this
more proactively if possible. I know with KMail - for e.g. - one can set
a command to execute that will launch a program to scan the POP3 account
and filter spam out according to pre-defined criteria without
downloading it, and once it has dropped/rejected the email that fits the
criteria, it will then download the remaining mail. Is there something
similar (both program and setting) that would accomplish the same thing
using Evolution?

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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