Re: [Evolution] phoenix instead of glaeon?

I would like to set the URL handler for html to phoenix instead of
galeon.  I have changed the preferred programs in gnome-control-center
from galeon to phoenix, but evo still calls galeon when an html URL is

I have the same issue, but between mozilla and Konqueror... Mozilla is
still called despite the fact I changed it in gnome-control-center. And
I restart my machine already a few times since I changed it.

When I upgraded to Redhat 8, I discovered that many gnome-control-center
and gconf setting were being by passed.  I hacked /usr/bin/htmlview to
give me anything other than mozilla.  Just place the browser of choice
as the first in each list as appropriate.  I hope this helps.

__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y____________________
sinzui cox net
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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