Re: [Evolution] Problems with LDAP to MS Exchange server in Evolution 1.2

On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 13:21, Chris Toshok wrote:
You can run wombat in its own terminal (run killev then start wombat
then run evolution as normal.)  That should produce some debug output
(specifically the filters used and the ldap search response.)

Thanks for the tip.  Unfortunately, wombat exits shortly after evolution
starts up (evolution appears to keep running normally in this case):

wombat-Message: Starting wombat
Wombat up and running
backend_last_client_gone_cb() called!
backend_last_client_gone_cb() called!
termination_handler(): Terminating the Wombat.  Have a nice day.

"wombat --help" didn't reveal an obvious command line option to get it
to keep running, though I don't know what I was expecting to see there. 

I bet I'm not doing something obvious, and I apologize in advance.


Matt Larson <mlarson verisign com>
VeriSign Global Registry Services

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