Re: [Fwd: Re: [Evolution] Configuring Gnome-pilot on RH 7.3 for Palm m500 - SOLVED]


On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 05:18, Mertens Bram wrote:
On Sat, 2002-11-30 at 20:10, W Pennington wrote:
Is your palm USB or Serial?
Which version of Evolution are you using?
Are you still using RH 7.3?  
Yes, I have installed almost every available package and have updated
all I could through Red Carpet on a regular basis.

The evolution-pilot package was not available through red carpet when I
installed it.  You need this package to put the conduits in gnome-pilot.

I also upgraded to Evo 1.2 this way.
Are you synchronizing using gpilotd?  Is gpilotd working for you?
Yes, I set everything up through the Gnome Control Panel and after
several attempts it worked.  I think maybe you have to log out and in
again for some reason.  At least it only started working for me after
logging back in the next day.  (I did NOT reboot, simply log out and
back in).

Do you have the Evolution Conduits, you should be able to check through
the GnomePanel.  Look for EAddress, etc.

I can't explain why this would work, perhaps the gpilotd gets shut down
after some time, or when a user logs out...

gpilotd tends to sleep or get defunct on my machine.  I just kill the
process and restart it in a terminal so I can see the output.  Try this.

$> killall gpilotd
$> gpilotd

now press the sync button.  Sometimes it takes a while to wake the

I think that's what finally did the trick for me, I pressed the hotsync
button before starting evolution or opening the gnome control panel
again and once more after checking my settings (which I presume started
the daemon) and then it worked...

Sorry I can't me more precise, I hope this is still useful to you...

Christopher Ness <nesscg mcmaster ca>
Software Enginering III

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