Re: [Evolution] Check for duplicate messages

On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 14:14, Mertens Bram wrote:
On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 20:06, Antonio Bemfica wrote:
This is trivial to do using procmail (by checking the Message-ID
header). You can get a bit more sophisticated and do an MD5 hash of the
body of incoming messages and store it on a database (dbtool, for

If you or anyone else is interested I can post a recipe that does the

Well I certainly am interested!

I don't know anything about procmail though, would I have to configure
much to get this working?  I am running Evo 1.0.8 btw...

You don't want to detect duplicates based on message-id; it's trivial
for an attacker to prevent you from seeing a given message, and the same
problem could happen even without malicious intent.


Peter Williams     peter newton cx / peterw ximian com

"[Ninjas] are cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet."
  -- REAL Ultimate Power

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