Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.0.8 doesn't work after red-carpet urgent upgrade

It could possibly be gconf.  When it hangs, try getting a backtrace of
say evolution-mail (use gdb evolution-mail, 'run', then when it hangs
ctrl-c and 'thread apply all bt').

Using oaf-slay would normally let you kill everything without a reboot,
but killev *should* be killing those processes anyway.

On Thu, 2002-08-08 at 01:01, O'Connor, Paul (Galway) wrote:
I have been successfully using evolution since early this year, and think it is a great product.  However, 
a short while ago, I applied some "urgent" upgrades recommended by red-carpet, and Evolution doesn't work 
any more.  I have completly removeed gnome and kde, and re-installed evolution 1.0.8 - but the problem 
still exists.  I even went as far as installed Ximian Desktop, but I still can't get my emails.

The problem manifests itself in a number of ways:

1) The evolution GUI won't display at all.  I found (by tinkering with killev), that the summary 
applet/page was causing this problem.  If I killed it, the GUI displayed, and allowed me to pull down the 
headings for all my emails.  The actual error I was seeing when I ran the modified killev was:

      evolution-shell-WARNING **: Error changing interactive status of component 
      OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Summary_ShellComponent to TRUE --

2) While I can now see the heading for all of my emails, as soon as I try to open one, the GUI freezes.  
This applies to both my local emails, and those on my Microsoft Exchange server.  Running killev will kill 
MOST of the processes most of the time, but not sometimes not them all.  I usually end up with one or more 
evolution-mail processes which CANNOT be killed.  This prevents me from accessing the emails alter.  The 
only way of getting rid of these "unkillable" processes is to restart my system.  The following is an 
example of what is left behind (ps -aef | grep -i evolution):

poconnor  7895     1  0 Aug06 ?        00:00:00 evolution-mail 
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Mail_ShellComponent --oaf-ior-fd=15

From what I remember, I think the upgrade to gconf may be the cause - this is the only thing I can think 
of that was related in any way to Evolution/Gnore etc.  But I cannot be sure about this.

I am using SuSE 8.0 with Evolution 1.0.8

I am cross-posting this to both the Evolution and Users mailing lists, since I have seen some cases in the 
Users mailing list where a simliar problem is mentioned (although not exactly as above).  If I have posted 
this to the wrong mailing-list, I apologise - can you tell me where to post it ?

Can anyone help me ?

Long live Evolution.


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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