RE: [Evolution] Pilot problem; copy/paste problem

On Tue, 2001-09-25 at 11:41, DCA Information wrote:
On Mon, 2001-09-24 at 12:57, JP Rosevear wrote:

On Mon, 2001-09-24 at 12:21, Design Chain Associates LLC Information
Well, I just uninstalled all pilot-related RPMs, as well as evolution, and
reinstalled it all. Now it mostly of the RPMs was not Ximian so
that was possibly the problem. It just hangs and times out now when updating
the calendar...I'll see if I can't track down that problem and report on it
further once I get some time.

Was it the mandrake version?  What version are you using?

I'm using RH7.1 but had installed a library for Mandrake,
libpilot-link4-0.9.5-3mdk.i586.rpm, because something called for a library I could only find there. Not a 
Good Idea.

As I've said several times, we do ship everything needed.  You need
pilot-link from the Ximian GNOME channel.

JP Rosevear                             jpr ximian com
Ximian Inc.                   

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