Re: [Evolution] Help me to use Evolution! - Ximian Problem

Hello Guido,

question: Couldn't you start gnome or is there simply no entry in
your kdm? If it is the second you can change the line 
by adding "gnome" in
and get what you want. If it is the first dissable your X-Session
and try to start it from the root-console... have forgotten the correct
syntax but something like 
export WINDOWMANAGER=gnome

Hope that helps


On Mon, 2001-09-17 at 23:55, Guido Amoruso wrote:

I was on holiday last week so I didn't try your suggestions...

Now I've done, but I decided to try to install Ximian Gnome first, which I
was able to do. So now evolution has no problems...but I cannot start
I now this isn't the best place where to look for such topics, but I'd like
ask you for some hints - or other: I login with kdm, but now the
gnome-session doesn't start (it loads kde!); note I have no gdm or kdm
directory under /etc/X11 (on Suse 7.1) and I cannot find any configuration
file to change someway...

I've made some web researches without useful results.
Any ideas?



evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

Thomas Emmel                        ..--.. - .... --- -- .- ... .-.-.-
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