Re: [Evolution] Releas Candidate 1 totally broken

On Tue, 2001-10-30 at 17:52, Robert Marz wrote:

I'm using RH 7.1. My Window Manager is sawfish.
I have just finished download the actual snapshot via red-carpet.

First evo didn't started at all.
After quiting my session and clearing my /tmp and ~/.gconf* dirs evo went 
up, calling itself RC1 and cleared all my calendar and task entry's 
complaining, that no Calendar entrys could be merged to tasks or something 
like that.

After restoring from backup (yeah - I do have one and a special before 
every new evo snapshot :-) the UI was partly freezing. Switching workspaces 
did help only a little.

To make a long story short: RC1 is not useable for me - I guess, I have to 
wait for the next snapshot...

so long


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

Here's a me too! RH7.2.
James Harrison RHCE, CCNA

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