Re: [Evolution] problems with snapshot

Thanks. I know keeping straight who is responsible for what isn't always
straightforward when dealing with GNOME and Ximian. We're working
towards being able to interchange bugs automatically, but that won't
happen until at least the first week of November. 

On Sat, 2001-10-13 at 00:03, Scott Dixon wrote:
On Fri, 2001-10-12 at 19:55, Luis Villa wrote:
On Fri, 2001-10-12 at 17:12, Scott Dixon wrote:
4)  I've had a problem for quite a while with attachments which have a
.dat filename extension.

File a bug against gnome-vfs on It's really silly
for the MIME db to assume that ".dat" means mp3.
Done.  bug number 12399.

/Not/; We don't maintain
gnome-vfs. Sorry.
Oops.  OK, I'll put it into

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