Re: Re: [Evolution] evo crashing

Am 08 May 2001 16:37:08 +0000 schrieb dan hensley att net:

 > Hi,
 > after some weeks of absense I got a new version of evo from cvs and
 > compiled it. It looks nicer and works faster.
 > Unfortunately, it crashes wenn typing a carridge return when replying
 > oder sending mail.
 > Can anybody help me to solve this?

-You probably need to update to the latest stable ORBit from
-CVS to fix this one.  After you do this though, can you see
-if evo crashes when you open a Compose window, type a few
-characters, then hit <CR> (see bug 2517)?  I've been trying
-to convince Ximian for weeks that there's a problem, but they
-aren't listening.


Thanks, but how do I get the latest *stable* ORBit from CVS?
When I try

cvs -d ':pserver:anonymous farbror acc umu se:/cvs/gnome' login
cvs -d ':pserver:anonymous farbror acc umu se:/cvs/gnome' -z3 checkout ORBit

(like with evolution, gal, etc.) I get a very old version. Where is the 
right place to
get it (and also how)?

I'm going from memory, but I believe it's

cvs -z3 checkout -r orbit-stable-0-5 ORBit

Thanks a lot, carrage return is working now.

The exact name of the branch I believe is documented in the
Evolution README.  Once you do the above command, that branch
on your local machine will be tagged to always update from
that branch in CVS, so then all you have to do is

cvs -z3 update ORBit


thanks a lot,
Heinz-Josef Claes

PS: Sorry for the bad format of the mail, but I'm receiving with evo
       and sending with mozilla.

 > best regards,
 > Heinz-Josef Claes
 > No Microsoft products were used in any way for the creation of this 
 > If you are using a Microsoft product to view it, BEWARE! - I'm not
 > responsible for any harm you might encounter as a result.
 > _______________________________________________
 > evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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