Re: [Evolution] Latest IMAP mojo

The eagle has landed. This is indeed fixed in this snapshot.
Thanks a bunch.

I'm still seeing an issue saving attachments
to disk. All files are being written erroneously as ascii text.

Camel schmutz:

        Single click
        emitting cursor changed signal, for uid 1554
        selecting uid 1554 (direct)
        selecting uid 1554 (delayed)
        sending : A00049 UID FETCH 1554 BODY
        received: * 69 FETCH (BODY (("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7BIT" 23 4)("APPLICATION" 
"MSWORD" NIL NIL NIL "BASE64" 22456) "MIXED") UID 1554)
        received: A00049 OK UID FETCH completed
        sending : A00050 UID FETCH 1554 BODY.PEEK[1.MIME]
        received: * 69 FETCH (BODY[1.MIME] NIL UID 1554)
        received: A00050 OK UID FETCH completed
        sending : A00051 UID FETCH 1554 BODY.PEEK[2.MIME]
        received: * 69 FETCH (BODY[2.MIME] NIL UID 1554)
        received: A00051 OK UID FETCH completed
        sending : A00052 UID FETCH 1554 BODY.PEEK[1]
        received: * 69 FETCH (BODY[1] {23}
        received:  UID 1554)
        received: A00052 OK UID FETCH completed
        sending : A00053 UID FETCH 1554 BODY.PEEK[2]
        received: * 69 FETCH (BODY[2] {22456}
        received:  UID 1554)
        received: A00053 OK UID FETCH completed
        update_styles called

'Course, I *am* starting to get the idea that these are backwards compatibility
issues with an old server that maybe someone should upgrade....

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 10:01:52PM +0500, Dan Winship wrote:
Oh, I think I forgot to send mail yesterday, but this should be fixed in
today's snapshot. (It was an old IMAP server problem.)

-- Dan

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

Pete Gaulin

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