Re: [Evolution] fault in contact component (and feature request)

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 08:09:16AM +0100, Heinz-Josef Claes wrote:
Feature request:
In the contact editor, there is a picture of a kind of man beside the
name of the person. If a woman is stored there, this looks very strange.
So, if you select Mrs (or something else) for the person, there should
be a little pic of a woman.

Heh.. i haven't really thought of that.. doesn't sound too difficult if
if there are calls that return the gender of a contact, or something like
that. Definitely a 'cute' feature to add, I might look into that.
Defeinitely not high on the priority list, though.

Beside this, I think it would be a helpfull possiblity to be able to do
the following: Clicking on the litte pic you get it in a separate window
in full size. Clicking once again lets you select the picture of the
real person. In these times with digital cameras you more and more have
the possibility to get a picture of the person. It should be possible to
store it in a contact editor.

Interesting idea, I don't know if there will be time to add this feature in.
As far as I know, this is a not a planned feature.. it's something we can do
after 1.0, I guess...

Then again, we welcome patches :-)


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