Re: [Evolution] sanpshot 2001032209

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 07:48:19AM -0500, Duane C. Mallory wrote:
I installed the 2001032209 build of evolution via RedCarpet this morning 
hoping that it would take care of some of the problems introduced by 
2001032109(and 10).  Unfortunately, now Evo is completely broken.  It 
will not even start up anymore, and I have been force to fall back to 
the mozilla mailer.

When attempting to start Evo I get a dialog with "cannot initialize the 
Evolution shell" and when I click "OK" the dialog closes.

Did the same thing.

I guess I should have saved the RPM's from a couple of releases back so 
I could restore a working version - is there anyplace I can get the old 
RPM's for now?

Luckily, I have two RPMS that I just so happened to save.  I have a
SRPM from the 20th's CVS snapshot and a RH7.0 RPM from the 21st CVS
snapshot.  The 21st one seems to work OK with the latest GAL.

I stuck them both on:

I'm not making any promises that they'll work for anyone but me, but let me
know if there's something obvious I can do to help.

        John A.

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