Re: [Evolution] bugs

A few more bugs:

1- Editor: it's impossible to put the cursor on the beginning of a blank
line, which causes contortions when trying to insert a paragraph of
text.  Same for pasting with the mouse, if you don't paste in the middle
or begin/end of actual text, your paste location is goofed.

2- Get Mail dialog:  When the mail is finished, the Ok button is set
sensitive.  However, the mouse must be moved off the button, then back
on before it's able to be clicked.  Typically, I'm hanging out with the
mouse over the Ok button waiting for it to finish the fetch operation,
but I can't just click when it comes alive.  This is totally separate
from the fact that the dialog staying up is fairly annoying anyway.

3- Attach: file selection dialog is always starting out at root.  Why
not at the user's home directory instead?  Same for SaveAs in the file
menu.  However, Save Attachment from right click menu defaults to home
directory, so go figure...

Should I continue posting this type of stuff to the list, or should I be
trying to bugzilla it?  I'm hesitant to bugzilla, cause I'm not sure I
get all the categories and such, so I'd rather someone who knows whats
up filter and file...  but if you let me know what to do, I'd be glad to
dump it straight to bugzilla.

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