On 07 Mar 2001 10:24:46 -0800, Karel P Kerezman wrote:
I would like to thank the @#$% who sent the "DO NOT OPEN THIS" message.
I had to manually go into my (good thing it's a) maildir for my Evo
messages and delete that mail message by hand.

It's kind of late for me to NOT open a message in Evo when Evo has
already downloaded and stored it. And there's no way I can see to delete
a message without it being shown in the preview pane... therefore
opening it!

I'll second that! (Forgot the evo (or is it evo itself) defaults to
reply to the sender not the list, so my previous reply was personal.)

One way to get around the chicken and the egg problem is the switch to
View Source mode. You can then open the message and it will not get
rendered, simply displayed as raw text. Highlight, delete, expunge and
go back to normal view mode.


       Matthew T. Jachimstal        | Phone:  (419) 861-3331   .~.
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