Re: [Evolution] bonehead

Just used Red Carpet to do the install...nothing fancy...Subscribed to
the Evolution Channel, then selected Eveolution .10 and hit install...It
*said* everything went fine (nothing in any log files) but that's all I

Matt Herzog wrote:

On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 10:10:24AM -0700, David (Demo Monkey) Simmons wrote:

Okay, I have given up (after too many unsuccessful attempts) compiling
evolution for Solaris 8, and decided to try using red-carpet to install
it on my Linux (Suse 7.0) laptop.

I figured that, after installing using red-carpet, it ought to just run,
right? Nope. It tells me it's my first time running evolution, and asks
if I want to install stuff, so I say yes. Then it comes back saying
"Cannot initialize the evolution shell"

Hmm. That's a new one. How did you install it?


Only messages I get is that OAF is trying to use /usr/local/share/oaf
Now, that directory exists, and is rw by all, so...

Anyone ?? Point out the error of my me evolve....
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Matthew Herzog                Tech Support Chimp
msh ximian com      , Inc.

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