[Evolution] evolution local spool question

Hello all,

This is a new install - running RH7.1, Ximian Gnome 1.4 + the 200107270800
snapshot of Evo.  I'm using fetchmail to forward my pop3 mail to my local mail
spool, and was hoping to use Evo to read my mail off the local spool.
Fetchmail is doing it's thing and I can see my /var/spool/mail/(username) file
with all my mail.  Evo's been configured with "Server Type: Unix mbox
spool-format mail files".  However, Evo gives me an error when doing a
send/receive to refresh my inbox with my spooled mail:

Error while performing operation:
Spool stores do not have an inbox

I tried searching through the last couple of months of archives but I couldn't
find any reference to this error.   Can anyone give me any hints as to how to
get Evo and my local spool on speaking terms?


Tariq Rahman
Butler International, Inc.

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