Re: [Evolution] Evolution 0.11 (Beta 1) is out

On 24 Jul 2001 18:34:46 +0200, Frederic Crozat wrote:
On 24 Jul 2001 10:08:09 -0600, Dan Hensley wrote:
On 24 Jul 2001 17:47:43 +0200, Frederic Crozat wrote:
On 24 Jul 2001 18:24:28 +0500, Dan Winship wrote:
1. when entering an email address into "to:" then it drops down a list
with possible completions and this steals the focus from the input-box

If you're running sawfish, try updating it to a newer version.

I'm able to reproduce this problem on Mandrake 8.0 with Sawfish 0.38 and
Mandrake cooker with Sawfish 1.0.. On each system, Sawfish is configured
with standard "focus on click"..

This is very annoying and visible on all Mandrake system.. It is as if
we were in follow-mouse focus mode :((

That's strange.  I'm on Mandrake 8 with Sawfish 1.0, and I don't see
that behavior.  I've got focus on click as well.  I did have the problem
you described with an earlier Sawfish, but when I updated it went away.
Note that I compiled from source and didn't use RPMs to update it (don't
know if that makes any difference, but you never know).

Well, since I'm sawfish packager for Mandrake, I hope it is not a bug in
the package :((

I've done some tests using different Window Managers, all in focus on
click mode :
-KDE 2.2beta1 : "follow mode" in To, Cc, Subject et Body fields
-Twm : same problem
-Icewm : same problem
-Window Maker : same problem

My guess is that it is a Evolution (or a Bonobo) bug, not an WM bug..

I think originally it was a combination of the bonobo and WM (possibly
Evo too?).  I do know that at the time I had to update to Sawfish CVS,
and I think I also had to update bonobo, now that I think of it.  I'm
using the latest CVS bonobo.  I think the problem was fixed before the
bonobo 1.0.7 release.  What version of bonobo are you testing against?


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