[Evolution] addressbook: loss of contacts and addressbook.db corruption?

        I've noticed a loss of records in Contacts. Looking at addressbook.db
it semes to be corrupted. It's a good possibility I don't know what I'm
looking at. Attached is example (I replaced abunch of info with x's).

I'm using the latest snapshot, at least according to red-carpet. Debian
is unstable/testing. Though I haven't updated since the beginning of the
week, I believe. The box is a PC.

I tried to see if I could duplicate it and this is what I did. 

        rm -R Contacts.

        start evo from panel.

        Say yes to dialog.

        open contacts.

        delete Ximian, Inc. 
                Save addressbok.db as ab-01.db

        create new contact a a.
                Addressbook.db appears to be corrupted.
                Save addressbook.db as ab-02.db

I'm not sure if the results proves anything.

Has anyone else seen this?




Attachment: contacts-ex-01.txt
Description: Text document

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