Re: [Evolution] 2001. Snapshot

On 14 Jul 2001 09:39:05 +1000, Craig Holyoak wrote:
Today I upgraded to the 2001. snapshot (I'm running Debian
unstable). I was unimpressed since I found a few annoying things that
were absent from my 2001. snapshot:

* Every time I start Evolution, it would ask me if I want to import my
  netscape preferences, even though I would say "Don't ask me again".

This will be fixed in the next snapshot.

* State doesn't seem to be remembered between sessions, including folder
  trees (which branches are open/closed, etc) and frame positions.

do you have a ~/evolution/config/ directory? If not, create one and the
state should be saved.

Hopefully this directory is created in the latest CVS... I'll have to

* The toolbar behaved strangely. When I start Evo and open a mail
  folder, the toolbar showed the normal buttons for the mail component.
  Switching to Contacts, the normal buttons for the contact component
  showed, but when I went back to the mail component, the contact
  buttons stayed on the left of the toolbar, greyed out, while the mail
  buttons were to the right of the contact buttons.

Erm, wird...this doesn't happen for me.


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