Re: [Evolution] Downloading blank messages

It turns out that this problem was not evolutions fault after all.  I
logged into my email account via the optional webmail access I have, and
there was this blank email sitting there.  It must be some problem on
the server side.  :-/



On 06 Jul 2001 10:28:21 +0930, Not Zed wrote:
On 05 Jul 2001 18:03:00 -0400, Conrad Akier wrote:
Occasionally, when I download new messages through POP, I will get a
blank message.  It has no subject, no sender, no recipients, and no
body.  The source for the message is the following:


pop://conrad%40sheehanunderground org mail sheehanunderground org/inbox
X-Evolution: 000000b0-0000
Date: 05 Jul 2001 17:51:34 -0400
Subject: No Subject
Message-Id: <994369894 9007 0 camel conrad>
Mime-Version: 1.0


Evolution said it was downloading 4 new POP emails -- 3 of which
downloaded fine -- 1 which did not.  And this is not the first time I
have recieved these blank messages.  It's probably the 15th or so time.
People have told me they emailed things which I never recieved, and I
fear that it may be evolution's fault with these blank messages.  It's
been happening with pretty much every evolution snapshot I have used,
and I am currently using the 7/03 rh7.0 snapshot.

Maybe this should be submitted to bugzilla?

Yes please. And if you can identify any such mails, then attach them (if
they are more private, send one of us a copy directly if you can).


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

Conrad "AtomicDog" Akier

-------oO0 contact methods 0Oo-------
E-mail: conrad sheehanunderground org
        (GPG key available)
Jabber: AtomicDog jabber org
AOL:    conrad202
ICQ:    11603552

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