[Evolution] bug day and status report

Hi, everyone. I'd like to announce that tomorrow, 9am-9pm EST (or
thereabouts) will be our first evolution bug day on #evobugs in
irc.gnome.org. Nothing fancy is planned yet, but if you're a little
intimidated by bugzilla and want some tips, or if you're more
experienced and want to help out with triage and organization of the
bugzilla then please stop by. I'd especially encourage those who use
evolution regularly and find bugs but aren't familiar with bugzilla and
how to best use it to stop by. 

I'd also like to point out that I've put up an evolution bug stats page
at http://bugzilla.ximian.com/evo-report.cgi that allows anyone to track
the status of the evolution bug killing drive in real time. So far, so
good- in the past week, we've closed 150 more bugs than have been
opened, which is a great pace. If we can keep that up, we should have a
great, crash-free product pretty soon!

Hope to see you all tomorrow-

Luis Villa
Ximian Bugmaster
"Quality is an amazing bridge because it is universal in its language."
Thomas Corcoran

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