Re: [Evolution] can't move to trash...

  Trash is a virtual folder, so nothing can be actually "moved" to it--
only marked for deletion. If you want not to see messages you have
marked for deletion, select View-->"Hide Deleted Messages".

We should probably have drag-to-trash mean "delete" or "delete and hide"

Thanks, Aaron, for the info.


Aaron Weber
Ximian, Inc.

On 09 Jul 2001 09:09:23 -0500, jpg2 cec wustl edu wrote:

In the most recent Evolution snapshots I've noticed that deleted mail
doesn't get automatically moved to the trash like before.  And since I
can't drag mail to the trash (in fact I can't seem to drag much of
anything without causing a crash--like the My Evolution Icon to the
shortcut bar, e.g.), I have to delete the mail and then expunge it.
Is this a regression or an intentional design decision?

name:    Jamin Philip Gray
email:   jgray writeme com
icq:     1361499
jabber:  jamin jabber com

I wear my shadows
Where they're harder to see
But they follow me everywhere
I guess that should tell me I'm travelling toward light

--Bruce Cockburn

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
"They needed bread and medicine, but we had only songs and poems in
our bags."  --- Alejandro Casona

name:    Jamin Philip Gray
email:   jgray writeme com
icq:     1361499
jabber:  jamin jabber com

Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give 
it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. For
even the wise cannot see all ends.
--Gandalf the Grey 

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