Re: [Evolution] Contact list woes.

Actually, the problem for which I posted had a solution in the faq:
Maybe this solves your problem too, Rodd.


PS That teaches me not to write before FAQ-ing.
> I love to know what's up with the contact list too.
> I've been downloading the latest nightlies (when the appear) at home to
> test the latest builds.  Ever since the new 0.11 series started I
> haven't been able to use the contact list at all.
> I've done lots of killev's and oafslay's.
> I've backed up me evolution directory and fooled around with it.
> I've removed my evolution directory and create a new one for each
> version.
> Contacts just doesnt' seem to want to work.
> My account at home doesn't get any mail much but spam, but without
> working contacts I'm not willing to use it at work (where my email is a
> serious tool).
> Any thoughts!
> mintSlice
> On 05 Jul 2001 16:24:11 -0700, Malachi Pust wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me how to get my contacts list back?  Im pretty sure it
> > exists still, as "strings addressbook.db" spits out a bunch of people I
> > know.  I seem to remember reading on this list that a db3 converter was
> > in the works and that contact lists were to be restored automagically in
> > recent builds.  Is this the case? Build 200107030800 has no love for my
> > contact list.
> > 
> > Thanks, 
> > Malachi
> > 
> -- 
> redfish bluefish [creative]
> p: 03 9879 5944  f: 03 9879 5833
> "Microsoft, which used to say all the time that the software business 
> was ruthlessly competitive, is now matched against a competitor whose 
> model of production and distribution is so much better that Microsoft 
> stands no chance of prevailing in the long run. They're simply trying 
> to scare people out of dealing with a competitor they can't buy, can't 
> intimidate and can't stop."
> -- Eben Moglen, a law professor at Columbia in response to Microsoft 
>    CEO Mr Mundie's comments on the dangers of Open Source Software.

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