[Evolution] Litttle bugs from playing around with the snapshots.

Heya, Evolutionites!

I was playing with the latest snapshot I could get my hands on (from the
14th), and I've got a few glithces I've run into.  Before, I had a lot
more, but a lot of them (composer not starting, renamed vfolders
duplicating, some others) seemed to go away with a reboot/Evo restart.
Anyway, here's my current list:

1. Did the way Tasks are stored change format? All of my old tasks don't
appear on the task list. New ones stay there, though. Also, the
Executive Summary shows all of my old tasks, and none of my new tasks.

2. When I go to the Mail Configuration (aka Evolution Account Manager),
and click the Add button under News, no window pops up. No errors,

3. When I'm editting contacts and I click the "catagories" button, the
contacts component crashes.

4. In the Executive Summary screen (I know it's new...), there's a few
problem. One, Appointments don't show up. I can get them to show by
clicking the question mark, deselecting/reselecting "Show appointments"
and clicking ok or apply. Also, I can't use the RDF summary Service
because it doesn't have proxy settings. Does it use some GNOME-specified
proxy? If so, how do I configure this proxy?

5. Executive Summary doesn't have a mini-icon to show in the top right
corner of the Evo window when using the Executive Summary component.

6. VFolders don't seem to refresh often. I've ot a VFolder that (I'd
like) to show all unread messages. However, it only seems to build this
list on startup (maybe at other times, but the only way I could get it
to refresh is with a restart of Evo. Maybe a "refresh" option? Or maybe
have VFolders refresh when given an Expunge command?

Anyway, that's enough. There are plenty of suggestions I could add, but
I figured I'd list the real bugs here.


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