[Evolution] A composer bug and a suggestion

I'm running the latest snapshot (from the 14:th) from Ximian. The bug
first: open the composer, tab down to the subject line, tab again to go
to the composing area. The composer will catch that tab, insert it at
the beginning of the message, then refuse to delete it.
The suggestion: I've experimented with using the html style stuff
writing a non-html mail. The list stuff gets translated as best it can
(and it _is_ good). Most other stuff, like colors, bold/italic,
headings, etc. cannot of course be translated. I was thinking, though,
that maybe the center/align right could be translated; all that would be
needed is to assume a definite line length of the non-html text (78 has
been more or less standard for years), and pad those lines with space as
needed. Is this an idea worth pursuing? A more ambitious version would
be to allow customisation of the translation, so that you, for instance,
could choose to mark text as _bold_ or BOLD or /italic/ or --header 1--,
etc for ascii mails.
Mr. Jan Morén                          Dept. of Cognitive Science
Tel. +46-046 222 8588                  Kungshuset, Lund
Fax. +46-046 222 9758                  S-222 22 Lund, Sweden

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