Re: [Evolution] Header version incorrect?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Winship" <danw ximian com>
To: "Michael Leone" <turgon mike-leone com>
Cc: "Evolution Mailing List" <evolution ximian com>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Header version incorrect?

On Mon, 2001-12-24 at 00:21, Michael Leone wrote:
I use Evolution 1.02 (the Mandrake Cooker release, dated Dec 13)

There is no such thing as Evolution 1.02. I suspect you mean
evolution-1.0mdk2 or something. (Meaning the second Mandrake package.)

The package name is evolution-1.0-2mdk.

X-Mailer: Evolution/1.0 (Preview Release)

This is definitely a post-1.0 release.

Again, it's *not* post-1.0. The fact that it says "Preview Release" is a
known bug that's fixed in 1.0.1.

So my version isn't just a Mandrake version of the post 1.0 release
snapshots? My apologies, then. Thanks for fixing that.

I notice that there hasn't been new snapshots in a while; does that mean
you're close to a 1.0.1 release?

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