Re: [Evolution] Address completion, is it magic, or just slow

On Wed, 2001-12-12 at 15:19, Zot O'Connor wrote:
What is really going on?  I know the DB lookup is slow, but can it be
cached per session (with a check for changed contactdb?).

Is it just really slow (like in 30-40 seconds) and I and finding

Is any one else seeing this or just me?

Well, one of two things could be happening here.
(1) Something is terribly wrong on your system.
(2) Your addressbook is really big.

Let's discuss case (2) first.

Right now, the addressbook search scales very poorly -- it is fine for
"typical" sets of contacts (like many a hundred or so) but gets ugly
when the addressbook is big.  I used an addressbook with 1500 contacts
in it for stress-testing, and added some optimizations based on that
experience, but using an addressbook that big is still pretty painful.

FYI, I'm currently working on a redesign of the completion searching for
Evolution 1.2 that will cache and index everything, so that our searches
will be O(log N) instead of O(N) --- so there is hope for those of you
with big addressbooks.  And you'll be able to do completions off of any
addressbook, not just the main one.

We do cache things now, but only by the first letter of the search.  So
when you type 'g' we cache all of the matches, and then search that
subset when you type 'e', 'o', etc.  This helps a lot, but that initial
query can still be painful.

Question: if you type 'g' into an address entry and then walk away, does
anything ever pop up?  If not, something is wrong.

Now if your addressbook is "small" (as defined above), I suspect that
(1) holds.  Are all addressbook searches slow, or just the ones related
to completion?  You can test this by going into the Contacts folder and
doing a few queries by typing into the search bar.  If they come back
very slowly, then something funny is going on.


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