Re: [Evolution] Configuration Database not found..AGAIN.

My solution to this problem was to double check that all package
dependencies were satisfied and that all files has been put into the right
place. With the command (as root) `strace -o output.txt -f evolution` I was
able to discover (by inspecting the resulting file "output.txt") that a
library was not found. I dont remember the precise name (was something like
lib?icon?.so) but the problem was that a dead link existed. To find out to
which package this library belongs to I used: `rpm -qf /path/to/dead-link`.
After reinstalling the found package and its dependants I am now a happy
evolution-1.0-user :-))

--On Montag, Dezember 10, 2001 02:50:49 +0000 Chris Ball
<chris void printf net> wrote:

On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 06:13:43PM -0700, Andrew Green wrote:
I know this has been posted before, but I didn't see any real or 
satisfactory solution so I'm asking myself.

I'm in the same position as Andrew.  I've had Evo working up to 1.0, and
since upgrading I'm unable to shift this error.  wombat/oafd both start
fine, there aren't any explicit linking problems.  As with Andrew, Í'd
really appreciate it if we could try and find some solutions to this.

- ~C.
$a=""; Chris Ball | chris void $a | www.$a | finger: chris $a
As to luck, there's the old miners' proverb: Gold is where you find it.

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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